Saturday, July 14, 2007

2008 dennis for president

House Parties have become a great way for Kucinich supporters to bring people together, talk about the issues, win over some undecideds and skeptics and raise some dollars to help the campaign grow and get the word out across the nation.

In fact, some of them have been so successful that Dennis would like to attend your next (or first) house party.

On Tuesday July 24th we're asking our friends all over the country to host house parties to talk about one of the major issues on many people's minds: Health Care. How do we make it available to everyone? How do we make it affordable? How do we guarantee the highest quality of employment status or the kind of care they need?

When you host a party that evening, Dennis will join you and your friends via telephone to explain where he stands on Health Care and answer your e-mailed questions. We're setting up a special telephone conference call-in line so that everyone everywhere can call a special number and hear from Dennis. He'll be on the line beginning at 9 pm EDT. Please e-mail your questions to

We will have house parties every Tuesday night all across the country and Dennis will speak at each party. Let's get people together in private homes to meet, gather information and talk about their concerns, issues and Dennis' campaign.

Upcoming house party themes will be:

• Strength Through Peace: End NeoCon Poison
• Hip Hop House Party: (Dennis w/special guest)
• Free Trade: Trade Is Neither Free, Nor Fair
• Works Green Administration: Save The Environment And Create Jobs

Hosting a house party with 10 or more guests will inspire them to host their own Tuesday Night House Party. Fifty house parties will attract hundreds of people and in the near future we'll soon be looking at thousands of people willing to help make this campaign an even bigger success. Just imagine, thousands of people, and it all began in your living room, family room, office or the party room at your favorite local restaurant.

Host 5 house parties by December 31st and you will receive a speaker phone.

The top house party fundraisers will win an invitation for dinner with Dennis and Elizabeth. House Party attendees who are pre-registered will be eligible for raffle prizes. Pre-register your attendees at

To host a party on July 24th, call 877-413-3664 before July 17th. Click HERE for more information about how to host a house party.

Dennis doesn't accept contributions or political support from the giant corporations, lobbyists or other special interest groups who are pumping millions of dollars into the other candidates' campaigns. His support comes from the American people, who want a voice in deciding who should lead our country. The decisions about our future would be ours, not those of well-funded special-interest groups.

We the people have the right to be heard. Each and every one of us has the power to change this country for the better. Let's get together on Tuesday, July 24th to begin making this happen.

Dennis will be there with you!

Strength Through Peace.
John Sweeney,
Deputy Campaign Manager
Kucinich For President 2008

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